Here’s what teachers, administrators and students are saying about Mindset Works programs.
“Brainology teaches kids to take ownership of their learning experience by being the one doing the work… it teaches them that doing work is a really positive thing because it’s going to help them to become smarter.”
“Implementing GEM helped me to better understand the idea of growth mindset in terms of young learners. Young learners, as much as learners of any age, need to understand (and CAN understand) how the brain works and grows - through hard work and effort. Young learners need to learn that mistakes (if reflected upon) are opportunities to grow and learn. Our young students must also believe that they can get smarter through their own efforts, and they must feel that their teacher believes in their ability to grow and learn. Through this process I feel that I have more confidence in my students' abilities, and more ideas for supporting their learning and cultivating their internal motivation to grow."
“The kids really do take to Brainology. At first they’re not sure what it is, but once you get into it, they start to develop their own ideas. One kid said, ‘I’m not really dumb, am I?’ It really does change their lives.”
“We had no idea that it could have such a powerful impact. It may be that these most important discoveries about the human brain will revolutionize the way we think about motivating students and empowering educators.”
“By focusing on growth mindset we have shifted the culture and academic outcomes for our school. A critical piece of that work has been implementing GEM for our preschool, kindergarten, and first graders. By creating a foundation of positive thinking, where challenges are exciting ways to grow your brain, we have fostered a love of learning and growing together."
“With middle-schoolers, there are always excuses. But Brainology shifts the language to be about payoff from effort, rather than ‘the test was too hard’ or ‘the teacher doesn’t like me’.”
“The brainology program was very useful because it taught me a lot about my brain and how it works so that i now can apply that knowledge to my academic education.”
Sarah, 6th grade
“The program was fun. I’ve learned new things in a funny way. All those things will help me in all kinds of thinking, like learning for school or playing chess in weekend.”
Marcella, 4th grade
“I thought the Brainology program was fun and interesting, and had subjects kids could relate to. I’ve found ways to remember what I’ve learned in school and what to do in order to help my brain function and learn WAY better! think Brainology will help me a lot in school.”
Marian, 6th grade
What do students think about Brainology®?
What do educators think about Brainology®?
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