Students, teachers and leaders become lifelong learners in a whole school culture shift. 


Students tackle challenges because they understand that learning takes a lot of effort. They don't give up when things get difficult, because they have strategies to persevere. They take risks, participate in class, and understand that mistakes are normal when people try hard things.

Laying the foundation with GEM promotes, teaches, and fosters a growth mindset and SEL competencies from the earliest opportunity.
Learn more about GEM

"When I make a mistake the neurons connect in my brain."
See GEM in action
Watch the video

"Now I take risks, participate in class, and understand that my mistakes are normal when I challenge myself."
Hear from a Brainology student Watch the video

Brainology's blended learning approach allows time for classroom discussion, reflection, and application of mindset principles.
Learn more about Brainology


Teachers reflect on fixed mindset practices they’ve used in the past and learn how to change their own mindsets. They take more risks with lessons, and collaborate with others to get feedback, learn, grow, and improve their practice.  They learn how to develop a growth mindset in their students and shift the culture of the classroom.

Collaborative features of MindsetMaker™ encourage teachers to share ideas with each other and develop strategies together. Learn more about MindsetMaker™

"I reflect on fixed mindset practices we've used in the past and learn how to change our mindsets."
Hear from a Growth Mindset teacher Watch the Video

"I'm more responsive to honest feedback, and seek to build my skills by learning from my fellow teachers."
Hear from a Growth Mindset leader Watch video


Leaders support their teachers’ learning and risk-taking by modeling those behaviors themselves. They are responsive to honest feedback, and seek to build skills by learning from their teachers. They learn to value and praise hard work and effort in their staff, and they in turn work harder to overcome challenges and ensure student success.

With the LeaderKit, leaders are equipped with tools and resources they need to start a movement at their school. Learn more about LeaderKit


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