Discover which Growth Mindset programs are right for you and your students.
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A Suite of Programs for Administrators, Educators & Students
Now more than ever, students and teachers need a growth mindset to survive and thrive in these challenging times. The Mindset Works SchoolKit is a whole school solution to building a growth mindset culture. Our research-based programs help students, teachers, and leaders develop the social and emotional learning skills and practices designed to catalyze growth.
Quick Overview
In uncertain times, one thing is clear: we all need a Growth Mindset to survive and thrive with the challenges ahead. MindsetMaker is an online professional development course that teaches educators the foundations of Growth Mindset and Social and Emotional Learning in a flexible, and engaging format.
OR $999 per site
Schools need professional learning experiences that last, but most sessions offer a “one and done" approach that doesnt make a lasting impact. Mindset Works Professional Learning is different. We’ve worked with hundreds of schools to craft custom growth mindset professional learning solutions so that you’ll see lasting change over time. Your team will gain a sense of purpose and be prepared for whatever challenges come your way!
Young learners begin school with excitement and, often, anxiety. Growing Early Mindsets (GEM) is a flexible instructional framework that empowers them to begin the journey to being an independent learner. Designed with busy teachers in mind, GEM integrates Growth Mindset, Social and Emotional Learning, and Mindfulness into everyday teaching and learning practice.
SAVE $50 per set when you order 6+ sets
Near the end of Elementary School, many students start to doubt their abilities. Especially during challenging times like these, Brainology helps students overcome anxiety about taking on challenges. They learn about the neuroscience of malleable intelligence, and come to understand that they can grow their ability with effort and practice. Students become grittier, learn to embrace challenges at school and at home, and ultimately become self-motivated learners. *Also available in Spanish*
OR $4,499 per school site
Brainology® Middle School Suite (Whole School)
Are you looking for a whole-school solution to create a growth mindset school culture, where students embrace challenges, support one another, and feel empowered to take risks? Brainology Middle School Suite addresses the developmental needs of middle schoolers with unique content for each grade level.
The Middle School Suite includes 3 Programs:
The first year of middle school is a challenging time, when many students start to doubt their abilities. Brainology Foundations is a fun, engaging program that helps students overcome anxiety about taking on challenges. It shows them how their brains – like their muscles – become stronger with effort and practice. *Also available in Spanish*
As adolescents progress through Middle School, they are growing and changing faster than ever! They become more curious and reflective about their own mindsets and experience new challenges both academically and socially. Brainology Bridge is a writing-based program that helps students increase self-awareness and self-mastery through reflection and writing activities. It reviews the neuroscience-based fundamentals of Foundations, explores the benefits of adopting a growth mindset, and teaches students how to use a growth mindset to get better at anything.
As they prepare for the transition to high school and new academic and social challenges, teenagers need support for self-directed goal-setting and learning more than ever. Brainology Applied fosters independent learners during this critical time. It reviews the neuroscience behind how the brain becomes smarter, as well as brain-healthy habits, self-regulation.
High school teachers struggle to engage kids, and this is an especially important time of transition when students establish themselves as young adult learners. Applied Brainology empowers students with a growth mindset, so they understand that their potential truly is unlimited. Students gain tools and strategies to learn self-regulation, brain-healthy habits, and other critical SEL skills.
Programs for Leaders
True leadership requires a growth mindset, great effort, and limitless persistence. The LeaderKit is a resource designed for leaders who recognize the importance of developing growth mindset beliefs and practices in their school community. The LeaderKit is a collection of tools, resources, and strategies for use with all members of a school community.
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Includes 30 licenses
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Thank you for your interest! All purchases of online program licenses will be accesible until March 1, 2023 allowing us time to make any technical modifications for the 2023/2024 school year. Apologies for any inconvenience. Please contact if you have questions.
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