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Programs for Home
GEM (Grades PreK - 3)
Young learners begin school with excitement and, often, anxiety. Growing Early Mindsets (GEM) is a flexible instructional framework that empowers them to begin the journey to being an independent learner. Designed with busy teachers in mind, GEM integrates Growth Mindset, Social and Emotional Learning, and Mindfulness into everyday teaching and learning practice.
Quick Overview
SAVE $50 per set when you order 6+ sets
Brainology for Home (Grades 4 - 8)
Sometimes it can feel like our children have no motivation to learn. They may resist doing schoolwork or seem apathetic about academic learning. Many times this is a result of a fixed mindset - they believe they were just born smart, average, or dumb, and there is nothing they can do to change it. Brainology teaches them that their brain is like a muscle, and gets stronger when they use it, so they become empowered to take control of their own learning. *Also available in Spanish*
Applied Brainology for Home (Grades 9 - 12)
Adolescence is an especially important time of transition when students establish themselves as young adult learners. Applied Brainology empowers youth with a growth mindset, so they understand that their potential truly is unlimited. They gain tools and strategies to learn self-regulation, brain-healthy habits, and how to set and achieve goals.
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Say This, Not That!
Adjust your language to have a profound and immediate impact on your kids' mindset.
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