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The Brainology Middle School Suite is a 3-year Growth Mindset curriculum that teaches students how to develop a growth mindset and essential SEL skills. The program can be taught fully online, in person, or in a blended model. It includes online animated instructional units, as well as classroom activities. Flexible Curriculum
Based on the ground-breaking research of Drs. Carol Dweck and Lisa Blackwell, Brainology® is a blended learning curriculum designed to teach students the understanding that their intelligence and abilities are not fixed and can be developed through effort.
When students develop a growth mindset, they gain confidence in their ability to learn. They take on challenges and work hard to learn more and get smarter, and they are more resilient when they encounter difficulty, leading to higher achievement in school.
Brainology is a fun, interactive, 3 year sequence that shows students how their brains – like their muscles – become stronger with effort and practice. A unique program for each year ensures sprial learning. Students learn about how the brain functions and learns, along with healthy habits, study techniques, self-regulation strategies, and other essential non-cognitive skills that help them to become effective learners. Students deepen their knowledge and apply it to their own experience through classroom lessons, delivered remotely or in-person.
Brainology is ideal for students in middle school. Both high- and low-performing students can benefit from Brainology as they encounter increasing challenge and uncertainty about their abilities in these critical years. The Foundations program is also available en Español.
The Brainology Suite includes 3 years of unique content. Students have access to an online, animated course that can be completed remotely or in-person. Teachers can use a downloadable curriculum that reinforces growth mindset and SEL concepts. Data reporting tools are included so teachers can monitor the social and emotional needs and growth of their students.
Implementation is flexible, and can accommodate a variety of learning situations. The ideal implementation is 1-3 lessons per week. Implementations may last anywhere from 5–10 weeks, depending on the frequency of instruction. The Curriculum Guides and other resources will help you schedule your implementation.
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