Program Structure

The Brainology® program is composed of a ~10 minute introduction and four units that each take approximately 30-45 minutes to complete. The program also includes the Brainology® Implementation Guide. The guide provides: 
  • tools and tips on how to plan a successful implementation
  • step-by-step guidance on how to teach each unit
  • offline enrichment materials to reinforce the units
  • resources for developing a study plan after completing the Brainology®program
program   What are the key takeaways the student will learn in each unit?
The students meet Chris and Dahlia, animated teenage characters, and follow them as they tackle various problems in their most difficult subjects. The students visit the brain lab of Dr. Cerebrus, and learn how the brain can be developed and how to improve their study habits and skills in light of this knowledge.

  • What is the Brainology program and its purpose
  • How to use Brainology
Unit 1:
  • Basics of brain structure and function
  • How to maintain readiness to learn 
  • How attention and concentration are supported
Unit 2:
  • How the brain functions
  • How learning and emotions influence the brain 
  • Strategies for managing their negative emotions and enhancing the positive ones
Unit 3:
  • How learning changes the brain - the key to the growth mindset
  • Intelligence can be developed through mental exercise
  • What sorts of activities promote learning
Unit 4:
  • Memory - how it works? 
  • Study strategies to capitalize on the way the brain works, learns, and remembers 
  • How to apply Brainology study skills to the schoolwork

To review the Brainology program in more depth >> Sign Up Now!                     

"I thought the Brainology program was fun and interesting, and had subjects kids could relate to. I've found ways to remember what I've learned in school and what to do in order to help my brain function and learn WAY better! think Brainology will help me a lot in school"
– Marian, 6th grade >> More

"I think that the lessons in brainology are compelling and help any person at any stage of life, but especially teens as they do not know what is “normal” and what is not. The program helps them with emotions, learning, stress, and motivation. It changes ones concept of what talent is. Turns out - it's hard work!"
– Emily, 9th & 10th grade teacher, CA >> More