Programs that Motivate Students and Teachers

Growth Mindset Programs for Hybrid and Distance Learning

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Fixed mindsets can hold us back from learning


      A growth mindset means you understand that intelligence can be developed.

  Decades of research prove that mindsets can be changed.


      Teacher practices have a huge impact on student mindsets.

      A growth mindset leads to increased motivation and achievement.

We believe every student should have the opportunity to develop a growth mindset.

Hear from Dr. Carol Dweck, the leading
growth mindset researcher for over 30 years

What is a growth mindset?

Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D., explains the concept of growth mindset.

A growth mindset is the understanding that we can develop our abilities and intelligence. Research has shown that our implicit beliefs about the nature of intelligence can have a great impact on our achievement. In this TED Talk, Dr. Dweck, who first coined the terms “fixed mindset” and “growth mindset,” explains how a growth mindset leads to a focus on learning, increased effort, and a willingness to learn from mistakes.  View Video 

NOTE: Dr. Dweck has no financial relationship of any kind with Mindset Works and does not profit from any of its products or services.

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Explore our programs for your students and professional development for yourself.



Most of our programs are also available for home use.
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Get Started Growing Early Mindsets!

GEM is a new curriculum designed for teaching a growth mindset, social and emotional learning (SEL), and mindfulness for PreK-3rd grade learning communities.

Learn more and get started today with Mindset Works programs

What teachers and students are saying about Brainology®

See and hear what the growth mindset and Brainology® experience is like from the perspective of students, teachers and school principals.  Read more

Learn how your school can benefit from MindsetMaker!

The MindsetMaker is an online course and suite of resources that equips teachers and administrators with knowledge and tools to bring growth mindset into the classroom.  Read more

Educators and parents: Sign-up for a Free 14-Day Preview!

This preview is for educators and parents to check out a sample of the Brainology® online program and review a sample of the curriculum guides over a two week period.  Read more

Our Blog: Growing Mindsets

Read the latest thoughts from Mindset Works and our Community.

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